Saturday, January 17, 2015

Home: Post-holiday

  Each year when we put up the Christmas tree and the holiday decorations, the house feels so cozy and warm. With parties and plenty of egg nog and cookies, as well as all the lights and busyness of December, it seems like there isn't time to notice the colder temperatures and longer nights. A few days into January though, and the tree starts to feel claustrophobic and the decorations begin to get on my nerves. Putting away Christmas certainly isn't as much fun as getting all the decor out, but the clean, open feel to the house is always welcome. With less things surrounding us the house feels lighter and airier, and much more tidy. Generally, I like to purchase white flowers in January to ease the transition. These white roses have graced our mantle this week and have definitely brightened up the mid-winter days.

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